Readmission to the Register.
Readmission to the Register.
The document version of this policy can be downloaded here.
Updated May 2024.
The readmission to the register policy sets out the process registrants must follow when applying to re-join the register after a lapsed period of registration.
As a Graduate Registered Sport Rehabilitator or Graduate Registered Allied Health Professional registrant of The British Association of Sport Rehabilitators (BASRaT), individuals are entitled to refer to themselves as Graduate Sport Rehabilitators and use the suffix BASRaT-reg following their name. All registrants are required to meet and maintain the BASRaT standards of education, skill and conduct as stated in the BASRaT Standards of Ethical Conduct and Behaviour (SECB) and Role Delineation (RD) documents.
This policy has been developed by BASRaT as a summary of different situations which may occur and the subsequent procedures and criteria regarding readmission to the Accredited Register in each case.
Definition of lapsed registration
A lapse in registration refers to a period of any length where an individual’s registration has become inactive through a failure or choice not to renew. BASRaT also considers a break between graduation and first registering (where greater than 6 months) as a lapse in registration.
For details of the readmission process when somebody has been removed from the register as part of our Fitness to Practice process, please see our restoration to the register policy.
BASRaT Registration Exam
Lapsed registrants not on the register in June 2021: The BASRaT registration exam must be undertaken in order to gain admission to the register. This is regardless of the registration lapse period. For example, somebody who’s registration lapsed in January 2021 who is applying for readmission in September 2021 with 9-month lapse, will be required to sit the exam.
Registrants active on the register in June 2021 are referred to as “legacy” members and will be considered as having sat and passed the registration exam. The usual readmission to the register process will apply for legacy members.
For registrants who have previously sat and passed the exam, the below processes will apply according to the length of registration lapse. Details of the BASRaT registration exam can be found on the website. When undertaking the registration exam for the purpose of readmission to the register the applicant will need to pay the requisite examination fee.
Readmission Process
Lapse of 0 months – 2 years (6-24 months for new graduates)
The applicant is eligible to re-join the register.
Applicants are required to provide evidence of their CPD completed for the lapsed period and the full year immediately preceding it (if applicable).
CPD will be evaluated against the BASRaT CPD Requirements policy by the CPD Officer. If the level of CPD completed is not sufficient, the CPD officer can request that CPD is completed, evidenced and submitted.
The purpose for completing this CPD check is to ensure that lapsed registrants do not miss the selection window for the CPD audit in February. The date of the lapse will be counted from the expiry of registration, or in the case of new graduates, from the date of results being confirmed by the university and ratified by the exam board.
Lapse of 2-5 years
The applicant will be required to successfully complete the BASRaT registration exam in order to re-join the register.
Each application is assessed on a case-by-case basis and in certain circumstances, an exemption may be applied. If an applicant can evidence all the following, then the registration exam may not be required:
Full CPD portfolio for the entire lapsed period that meet the requirements of the BASRaT CPD Requirements policy (to be assessed by the CPD officer).
Maintained work in the field of Sport Rehabilitation. This will be assessed via a CV.
Maintained Professional Liability Insurance for the full lapsed period at a scope and level commensurate with policy provided by the BASRaT block policy scheme (to be assessed by the Registrar).
Maintained an Emergency First Aid qualification as a minimum for the full lapsed period.
The above evidence should be complied and submitted to the BASRaT office at the time of application to re-join the register.
Lapse of 5 years or more
The applicant will be required to successfully complete the BASRaT registration exam in order to re-join the register. There are no exceptions with a lapse of 5 years or more.
CPD Audit
BASRaT conducts a CPD audit on an annual basis. Within this audit selected members are required to present their CPD activities from the previous 24-month period. Individuals who are applying for readmission to the register will also be required to present this information for consideration.
It is the individual’s responsibility to keep an ongoing record of CPD along with full copies of the appropriate paperwork for auditing purposes. Registrants can collate this information electronically on their member homepage on the BASRaT website.
It is important that CPD undertaken comes from a variety of sources and learning activities. BASRaT recognises that members have individual needs for the role in which they are currently working and therefore we consider many types of activity which can contribute to their learning and development. Detailed information regarding the CPD requirements is available in the BASRaT CPD Guidelines.
More information
For queries relating to the readmission to the register process, please contact the BASRaT Registrar via Completed applications or general enquiries should be directed to the BASRaT administration office via Enquiries relating to the CPD element of readmission to the register should be directed to the BASRaT CPD officer via
Apply for Readmission
If you have previously held registration/membership with BASRaT then please log in to the online portal to submit an application for readmission to the register.