Register Check.

Search the BASRaT Register

Check a Sport Rehabilitator is a registered healthcare professional through the below search facility. BASRaT's register is accredited by the Professional Standards Authority. The PSA oversees both Accredited Registers and Statutory Regulators.

The Professional Standards Authority accredits registers so you can be confident when choosing healthcare practitioners. The PSA makes sure that the public is protected when choosing healthcare services by independently assessing organisations that register practitioners who work both within and outside the NHS. Accredited registers help people to get better care by ensuring that the health practitioners they register are competent and trustworthy. They ensure that information is clear and helps patients to make informed choices about the practitioner they want to see and about the treatments, therapies and care they offer.

All registrants and former registrants appear via the register search, allowing you to verify a persons status as a BASRaT Registrant. The register will display the following information:

  • Full name

  • Registration Number

  • Registration Status (active, lapsed, removed etc)

  • Location (Town/City)

  • The details of any publishable disciplinary concerns