About BASRaT

About BASRaT

The British Association of Sport Rehabilitators

BASRaT is the UK regulator and professional association for Sport Rehabilitators.

BASRaT champions and regulates Sport Rehabilitators, our register of Sport Rehabilitators is accredited by the Professional Standards Authority in Health and Social Care; the UK's top medical and healthcare oversight body.

Guiding Sport Rehabilitators on all aspects of their role and responsibilities, BASRaT ensures professional competency and continued professional development. Sport Rehabilitators on our register adhere to a strict code of ethics, conduct and professional practice. BASRaT works hard to promote the benefits of Sport Rehabilitation and to promote awareness of the profession.

BASRaT registrants are graduate level autonomous healthcare practitioners who work with clinical populations in a variety of settings. They are providers of healthcare services and assess, diagnose and rehabilitate physical injuries and pathology involving the neuro-musculoskeletal system. Many patients treated by BASRAT registrants have multiple comorbidities and complex pathologies, requiring in-depth knowledge of exercise rehabilitation for clinical populations.

Standards of Ethical Conduct and Behaviour

All registered Sport Rehabilitators are comprehensively insured via the BASRaT Professional Liability insurance scheme; are required to maintain a emergency first-aid qualification; and must evidence each year that they continue to meet the BASRaT standards of ethical conduct and behaviour, including continuing professional development appropriate to their role.

Our Mission

Representing professionals working in neuromusculoskeletal (NMSK) healthcare, exercise rehabilitation and sports injury, and protecting the public through high-quality, graduate-level education and continuing professional development of highly-skilled NMSK practitioners.

Our Vision for Sport Rehabilitation

A profession of autonomous graduate-level neuromusculoskeletal healthcare practitioners delivering the highest quality care, where BASRaT Registrants (BASRaT-Reg GSR);

  • Are recognised both nationally and internationally as highly-valued and capable healthcare practitioners

  • Have strong representation and guidance, whenever required

  • Have access to support throughout their careers as BASRaT-Reg GSR's

  • Have the right to speak, to be heard and to influence the progression of Sport Rehabilitation and the advancement of NMSK healthcare in the UK and internationally

  • Have access to an international network of highly-skilled practitioners in the field of NMSK healthcare

  • Play a key role in promoting and Improving public health and patient centred care to a variety of populations

Our Values

  • Integrity: We remain independent and honest while valuing the views and opinions of our partners.

  • Transparency: We are open and we remain fully accountable for our decisions and actions.

  • Excellence: We continually evolve, learning constantly and strive for excellence in the field of NMSK Healthcare.

  • Committed: We champion the profession of Sport Rehabilitation, and we are committed to the development and support of all BASRaT members and registrants.

  • Collaboration: We work in partnership with many organisations in order to continually develop the profession of Sport Rehabilitation both nationally and internationally.


BASRaT is a not-for-profit unincorporated Association with an organisational structure designed to ensure the ability to carry out the multiple functions of accreditation, membership and registration effectively and efficiently, whilst still meeting the current and future standards of a Professional Standards Authority in Health and Social Care accredited register holder. BASRaT is split into two main parts; the overall governance and strategic direction is overseen by the elected Executive Committee and this is supported by the employed operational side of the Executives Office. The operational side of BASRaT supports the Executive Committee and provides continuity of expertise in all the key operational areas.

In its operation, the elected Executive Committee follows the BASRaT constitution. The make-up, along with the terms and conditions of the Executive Committee are designed to maximise effectiveness and efficiency whilst minimising undue individual influence and conflicts of interest. The Executive Committee, which has overall strategic oversight of the organisation, makes a full report to members at the Annual General Meeting where they answer questions that arise from that years activities; accountability and transparency are key to Executive Committee functioning. As part of this, all key decisions made by the Executive Committee have to involve the lay members of the Executive Committee. The structural conditions the Executive Committee operates under also work to ensure integrity e.g. the rules around committee turn-over. BASRaT also has a separate Ethics Committee which provides an independent oversight and complaints function for the BASRaT Executive Committee. In addition, link officer roles, which recruit from a purposefully wide demographic of the BASRaT membership, are invited to and do attend the Executive Committee meetings; this allows additional direct observation of Executive Committee operations. Other policies that determine how the Executive Committee operates:

Conflicts of Interest Policy

BASRaT Constitution

Terms of reference

The employees in the CE office are not part of the Executive Committee and follow published frameworks in their operational duties. All key accreditation and registration processes are governed by clear frameworks, minimising the potential for subjective decisions that could affect either of these areas. Membership functions are a soft process and largely reflect the development of an open, transparent, effective and safe healthcare occupation. If a potential registrant does not meet registration standards, it is not administratively possible for them to proceed to registration. Additionally, the BASRaT registration exam offers an additional, objective, quality assurance step in the registration process.

The Professional Standards Authority in Health and Social Care (PSA) provide oversight of BASRaT’s governance and operations. The PSA assesses both Statutory Regulators and Accredited Registers annually and publishes a report on their performance against the PSA standards:

 Professional Standards Authority in Health and Social Care Annual reports

Accrediting Sport Rehabilitation Degrees

BASRaT accredits a number undergraduate and postgraduate educational programmes across the UK, these programmes have demonstrated that the course includes the required content and is suitably established to produce Graduate Sport Rehabilitators.

Students apply high-level academic and practical management skills to diagnose, treat and rehabilitate musculoskeletal injuries. Course content and teaching methods are closely monitored by BASRaT to ensure consistently high standards. Students learn to provide effective care for injuries, illness and disease.

Musculoskeletal injuries, therapeutic techniques and exercise rehabilitation skills are studied, supported by a foundation in anatomy, physiology, biomechanics and psychology.

Learn more about our education and training standards here.

What is Sport Rehabilitation?

Sport Rehabilitators help people suffering from musculoskeletal pain or injury. They help people of all ages and all backgrounds to maintain their health and fitness and recover from injury. Sport Rehabilitators prevent injury and reduce pain using exercise, movement and manual based therapeutic interventions.

Learn more about Sport Rehabilitation here.