Sport Rehabilitator co-produces the BASES Expert Statement on Pregnant and Postnatal Athletes

Sport Rehabilitator and CEO of The Active Pregnancy Foundation, Dr Marlize De Vivo has co-produced the BASES Expert Statement on Pregnant and Postnatal Athletes.

The Statement highlights current guidelines and the multi-disciplinary approach to support athletes with health, training and performance goals during and after pregnancy.

Dr Marlize De Vivo said:

“This statement has been a year in the making and in this time we have seen women pushing boundaries and perceptions    in the sporting arena. Whilst the wider topic area of women in sport has gained interest, there is still a lot of work that     needs doing to support athletes during their reproductive years.

“Now is absolutely the right time to raise awareness of the topic area generally  but also to encourage conversations between athletes and key stakeholders to address the gaps in evidence, guidance, and policy.  We also hope that the sport and exercise industry respond with updates in curricula and requirements for continuous professional development. This Expert Statement provides the foundation for these discussions.”

View here on BASES. View the Statement here.


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