British Association of Sport Rehabilitators

BASRaT is the UK regulator and professional association for Sport Rehabilitators.

BASRaT champions and regulates Sport Rehabilitators, our register of Sport Rehabilitators is accredited by the Professional Standards Authority in Health and Social Care; the UK's top oversight body for medicine and healthcare.

As an Accredited Register holder of graduate healthcare professionals, BASRaT’s primary objectives are to protect the public and enhance patient care through high quality education programmes, regulatory frameworks and professional development. BASRaT does this by accrediting University programmes, setting registration standards, providing guidance and education and ensuring fitness to practise processes are transparent, fair and proportionate.

Sport Rehabilitators are Registered healthcare professionals specialising in MSK assessment, diagnosis and treatment.

Sport Rehabilitators work in a variety of settings including the NHS, Ministry of Defence, Private Practice and Sport. Practitioners have been educated with a strong focus on exercise rehabilitation for varied patient populations, including those with long term conditions and non-communicable diseases. Accredited course content includes anatomy, biomechanics and human physiology, public health and pain science.

Search the Register

Search the Register allows you to verify the details and registration status of individuals on the BASRaT register. The search will show their name, registration number, current registration status, location, and the details of any disciplinary concerns.

Find a Private Practice

Find a Private Practice allows you to look up the business / clinic details of registered BASRaT members who’ve added their information to the search directory. You’ll be able to see their location and business contact information in order to make an enquiry about their services.

Latest News from BASRaT

Why choose a Graduate Sport Rehabilitator?

Sport Rehabilitators help people suffering from musculoskeletal pain or injury. They help people of all ages and all backgrounds to maintain their health and fitness and recover from injury. Sport Rehabilitators prevent injury and reduce pain using exercise, movement and manual based therapeutic interventions.

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International Certification

The International Arrangement (IA) for the professions of athletic training, athletic therapy and Sport Rehabilitation plays a key role in optimising care, injury prevention, rehabilitation and supporting the rights of patients and the public to achieve their potential to live well. The IA provides an opportunity for Sport Rehabilitators to be mobile on a global scale by creating a pathway to challenge each other's credentialing examination.

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Education and Training

BASRaT accredits undergraduate and postgraduate education at Universities around the UK. Accreditation is designed to ensure a high standard of education that prepares graduates to work as registered Sport Rehabilitators. Graduates from accredited programmes are eligible to pursue graduate registration with BASRaT.

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BASRaT regulates the practice of registered Sport Rehabilitators in the UK. We do this through setting the standards of education and making registrants accountable to our Standards of Ethical Conduct and Behaviour via our Fitness to Practise process. The BASRaT register is accredited by the Professional Standards Authority - the UK’s top medical oversight body, who oversees the statutory regulators and Accredited Registers.

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Contact BASRaT

Use this form to submit general inquiries to the BASRaT office. Your message will be passed to the most appropriate member of staff. You can find contact details for all staff on the contact pages of our website.